Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Live Stomach Pictures Doe Anyone Know What My Daughter Can Eat That Wouldn't Hurt Her Stomach?

Doe anyone know what my daughter can eat that wouldn't hurt her stomach? - live stomach pictures

My 9-year-old daughter was diagnosed with gastroparesis, in the last month, she began a year ago in February of this year we were out of town whom my daughter started complaining of abdominal pain, Whom do we eat in a restaurant, she got up and tried to walk He felt sick. then downhill from there told us he had a stomach virus, but it was like every two weeks, the doctor's office, which was released on acid reflux medicine and reflux medicine will not help med IBS, but IBS med Pami some have done, we have a doctor gi child out of the city had put a tube into his stomach and had pictures of the stomach, said there was some irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach a lot of blood work that was not diabetic, but was in the Low iron, has missed much school this year, he lost about 8 Pd in recent months, the doctor took my GI and HES put Reglan but it does not help them, he lived in Erie, PA, and Im trying to find a support group to . If someone requests information please help me thank you this is my Olde You.andc / daughter picture here, I am a mother of 47 years.


Anama said...

Hello, I have gastroparesis. BTW, are not as well tested for celiac disease? Just checking, I have (celiac disease for years before my diagnosis, and only the test, because I see it passed!), So I tend to things with "celiac-glasses" so to speak. Iron deficiency, abdominal pain, weight loss, dizziness celiac disease for all "red flags to eat," so I thought I said something better. You can develop celiac disease at any time, so keep an eye on him, and if symptoms persist, with or intestinal problems, get him to be tested again now! (I know that iron can occur in low w / Gastroparesis d / t poor digestion, etc., then that is not entirely unexpected, only fair!):) (And not "guess" a DEP IN I am sure that the test!)

They were also excluded other food allergies and intolerances, too?

The trick for gastroparesis is to eat many small meals, instead of trying to three force. For example: I could eat a whole egg, then after 3-4 hours, a banana and a slice of cheese, and then when I'm hungry again, MAABB yogurt later, the medium sweet potato. You get the idea. When completed, it will be painful for them, they learn to stop eating, just before they are fulfilled.
I'd really like with small quantities of high quality, soft food (protein, sweet potatoes, yogurt, bananas, rice, meat rolls to start, small amounts of low-fat cheese if you can tolerate casein, but limiting the amount of fat may digestion and the care taken to reduce the amount of fiber in!). Cut lactose and gluten, if both can be hard to digest, and how they progress in the stomach is slow to begin to grow.

Here is a very good location. You can not start with fluids, if you think you could contribute. I personally recommend low-fat yogurt instead of pretzels, probiotics, and is soft and smooth. If they want more than that, try rice cakes or rice Chex instead of pretzels, which basically feels like a rubber ball Big D / t of fat they contain. ugh!
http://medicalcenter.osu.edu/PatientEd/M ...

Instead, all wheat products, try to createBuckwheat m or Bob's Red Mill Mighty hot cereal or ischium is nutritionally better than any other corn, but you should see the amount of dietary fibers.
I think what I mean is that your diet to their ability, can with what not to eat what is ready now cropped. This requires the teachers let them know they should be able to eat many small meals in the school. You can expect a great meal to take to the function is not going to happen though. She has a disease that must be addressed! Stress and receives a letter from your doctor if you must! (You can say that I contributed to similar problems such as celiac children before? Lol!)
Good luck! Ask your doctor, see a nutritionist to help you start the elimination diet and food in the first phase and carefully for signs of intolerance or allergies are on the road!
I hope she feels better soon! What is unfortunate for a great way for your vacation!

eloquent said...

You need to follow the gastrointestinal doctor and get a referral to a nutritionist. add probiotics to your diet and never a medical advice, especially for a child to Yahoo.

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