Wednesday, January 13, 2010

First Ambulance Service What Impact Did The First Ambulance Have Back Then?

What impact did the first ambulance have back then? - first ambulance service

Depends on what you ran in determining the size of the impact was so fast it was, how heavy, radio, etc., etc.

1 comment:

EMS Scott said...

Ambulances were there before them in accordance with the Department of Transportation (DOT). Search for "EMT Scope of Practice" and you see the most recently approved in the past year compared to last year and may have to see the difference in the training. Only in the last 15 years I have EMS, the difference is significant, but there are areas that have not changed. Local protocols to dictate hospitalization. You could be in danger. The first day, when I heard the EMS providers have been working with equipment. Imagine sucking vomit air, they have. The impact of return "if" I'm sure it was important. Going from nothing to those who had received basic training, even if they were medically slope was sufficient to change the results. Statistically, I'm sure that from one region to another, as is now different. One thing has not changed - airways, breathing and circulation. Prehospitally right things, and the patient has a probability of a positive outcome - and that is essential today as then.

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